Brief autobiographical note from Scipione Amati, by Jan Krammer

Translation by Jan Krammer of closing paragraphs of “To Future Readers,” pp. 52-52 of pp.32-53 of Hendschel, Tobias, Relation con der freil denrcihen Betherung des Konigreichs Vonx in Japon, (printed by) Elisabet Angermayerin, 1617. [sic, as listed in St. Bonaventure, below]

“At that time I found myself in Madrid, in the palace of Victoria Colloma, the honored mother of Almirantae of Castile on my private business in the company of the worthy Don Bermardino Mariani ( his princely Grace), the secretary. Through him I received, from his Catholic Majesty, the privilege to prepare numerous materials regarding the political situation of the state, and regarding the annals of Cornelius Tac., which, God willing, will be finished soon. I also took this occasion to serve this honored ambassador as interpreter and referent, which task I undertook and carried out from Madrid to Rome. Under the glorious eyes of the Almighty and the honor of the Holy See, together with the pious and to the benefit of the entire Christian, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.” [unsigned]

A full digital scan of this book is available from the Interlibrary Loan Dept. of Friedsam Memorial Library, St. Bonaventure University, St. Bonaventure, NY 14778

Other formats & versions (in WorldCat): Relation und gründtlicher Bericht von dess Königreichs Voxu im japonischen, by Scipione Amati, Tobias Handschel, Valentinus Fricius.